Blog, Share Ware

A glimpse of hope

Most people know the magnitude of faith that my Oliver has. But something that I don’t talk about a lot is the struggle and questioning that has been invading my middle son.

It’s not that I hold back on the topic for any reason, I just continuously pray about it and have been for some time now. Little by little I have seen clues that lead me to believe that he’s picking back up where he left off with his relationship with God, prior to the questioning phase.

I first noticed this when he started to ask random Biblical questions. Then he would point out anything related to God, Jesus, or faith anytime we were out, and he spotted it. Then there was some talk about his Bible. There was a day when we were working in their devotionals and Oliver needed help. I pretended to be busy so that he would lean over and volunteer his help. Much to my surprise he did just that and then some! He’s talking about topics that do not align with the Bible and how he objects to such things, and he’s not trying to “ditch” church.

So, like I said, little by little this guy has been showing signs. A big one hit us yesterday.

Our church did a fundraiser that started on Mother’s Day and ran through Father’s Day. People could take a baby bottle and collect change or just put money in them and drop them back off at church. The proceeds go straight to a local ministry that helps mothers and families. It’s really a great thing they are doing. Anyways, so yesterday morning we all got up, just like any other Sunday. My middle guy was not feeling well so we told him to hang out at home. Before leaving we hang out in the kitchen and chat… you know … the typical family stuff. Well, I was getting the bottles ready to be put in my purse so that we could turn them in. When Boo sneaks off to his room and comes back with a grin. He says, “oh look what I got here…” fanning a ten dollar bill. I said, “where did you get that?” he replied, “oh just my stash.” I laughed and said… “okay… stash… I hear ya.” Well, he walks over to one of the baby bottles and puts it in there!! At this point I am just stunned. I am standing there in awe; I really didn’t know how to act because this is a HUGE sign for me that he’s making his way back! He gave when he did not have to. Little Oliver was so proud of him. I was too! I still am. It chokes me up to see the Lord moving in his life. It’s the greatest gift any parent could get… to watch their children grow and have a relationship with Christ.

Last week I decided to share with Oliver the morning prayer that I have been saying as soon as I open my eyes and the difference it has made in my day. To help teach him how to pray, I wrote the prayer down on an index card. I gave it to him, and I told him, “Say this prayer before you do anything in the mornings, and it will start your day right.”  

Fast forward to this morning… I came across a few short and simple prayers just a few minutes ago and decided to write those down for Oliver to add to the other one. This time I wrote duplicates and an extra morning prayer. I took the four index cards that I had, aside from the ones I gave Oliver, and I walked up to Landon’s room. I walk in and he’s playing his game with his friends, so he muted his mic to give me his full attention. I talked with him briefly about how we should be careful when we pray for certain things. I was taught, after the fact, that when you pray for strength, God sends you tests to make you stronger. So, I shared that with him. Then I showed him the cards and talked with him about how simple but great they are and how they can make a huge difference in your day. Three of them can be prayed anytime, well they all could really but that one is specifically for the morning. We talked about how they will strengthen his prayer skills and teach him how to pray.

He didn’t shut down. He didn’t roll his eyes. He didn’t huff and puff. He didn’t resist in any way. He sat there and listened attentively to what I was saying and responded accordingly. I kept it short and then left the cards beside him on his desk. Then we talked about his hamster before I left his room.

So anyways, I decided to write this in hopes that it would inspire you to keep trying. Sharing our personal experiences can help others who are going through the same thing. Parents, if your kids are questioning things, answer those questions. Do it compassionately and in an understanding way. Find that gauge and push just enough. If you push too hard, they will RUN away from God. But when you apply that light pressure, you’ll see results… eventually. Just stay consistent. Keep living a Christian life and share the struggles that you encounter, with them. Parents and people in general tend to just share the “good” stuff. They often forget that we sometimes must pray and pray and pray. Sometimes we go through phases of doubt ourselves. Sometimes we think that God isn’t listening and wonder “why?”. We cannot expect our kids to not go through the same things. So, share with them. If you are praying for a specific thing, share that with your kids. Take them on that journey as well and then they will see that sometimes, that’s just how it works. Things don’t happen on our time; they happen on God’s time. Just because He isn’t answering, doesn’t mean He’s not listening. Silence is not always a rejected prayer. He knows what is best for us and He moves according to His plan, not ours. Overall, just be real with your kids, they are watching, and they are listening! When they watch and listen, they learn and do. Set that example and model the expectations that you have for them. Show them how a Christian life is really lived.

“But God’s not finished. He’s waiting around to be gracious to you. He’s gathering strength to show mercy to you. God takes the time to do everything right — everything. Those who wait around for Him are the lucky ones.”

Isaiah 30:18

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